8 Ideas for Grandkids to Connect to Grandparents at a Distance
1. Fun to Shoot Photos Grandparents always love to see the latest photograph of the grandkids, but it is awesome and memorable to receive a Fun to Shoot photo. Here are a few ideas to make your shoot, fun to shoot! Take a photograph holding a message to Grandma and Grandma written on a dry erase or chalkboard or poster. Even better if the message is authored and penned by the grandkids themselves. Try one of the innovative sidewalk chalk drawings like below, use costumes to make the scene come alive.
2. Sing a Song Let the grandkids come up with a skit, song or poem for Grandma and Grandpa. Perform it and record it to send via mail or snail mail. Schedule face time or Skype to perform in person.
3. Send a Hug Use butcher or art paper to trace your outstretched arms in a hug. Roll it up and mail it in a tube mailer. Now won’t that be a surprise!
4. Produce a Work of Heart Artwork is another treasured gift for a grandparent. Self portraits and portraits of grandparents are always memorable. Portraits capture the heart of how grandkids see themselves and grandparents and can make adorable artwork when framed. You might also take a favorite quote or saying from a grandparent and add a child’s artwork, for another unique piece of home décor.
5. Fill in the Blank Come up with simple interview questions and record children’s responses. Questions might include: what do you like best about grandma and grandpa’s house? What is Grandpa’s favorite food? What is Grandma’s favorite color? What is the funniest thing Grandpa does? Record the answers and share them for a few laughs!
6. Did you Walk 5 Miles to School Ask grandchildren what they would like to know about their grandparents’ lives. Write them down and send them on to grandparents, to be answered and returned. This can also be done with memory books on the market, such as The Grandparent’s Memory Book from The Grandparent Gift Co.
7. Countdown! Younger grandchildren do not have sense of time and waiting for grandparents to arrive for a visit feels like forever. Make a countdown chart the week before grandparents arrive, so they can keep track and understand the days. The activity builds excitement and keeps the constant questions in check!
8. Journal it Purchase a journal that grandchildren and grandparents can send back and forth with entries, a true future gem. Perhaps you send back and forth each month, entering as you please during your time with the journal.