I wrote Pawprints Left by You, a pet loss poem, after my husband and I lost our first "baby". Kip, a German shepherd was our first parenting experience. You know what I mean. He lived until our first two boys were 3 and 4 years old. They don't have too many memories from that time, but we certainly do. His distaste for the UPS man, but his love of ripping open the boxes he delivered. His obsession with frisbees, his fear of the hose and loud noises, and the way he turned his head when you were talking to him. Like he understood everything you were saying- as pictured below!
What struck me the most after Kip was gone, was the silence.I understood the contradiction of "deafening silence". When coping with the loss of a pet, I think the lines, "I still listen for you, and miss you everyday." ring so true with pet owners and address the loneliness when the pets sounds and warmth no longer fill a home. No human will ever greet you at the door like a pet. On your worst day, they love you the same. I have found my words of sympathy have struck a cord with so many grieving the loss of a pet, whether dealing with the death of a dog or a cat. For National Pet Month, I share my words and hope they will bring comfort to those remembering a beloved pet this month.
Pawprints Left By You... You no longer greet me, As I walk through the door. You're not there to make me smile, To make me laugh anymore. Life seems quiet without you, You were far more than a pet. You were a family member, a friend, ...a loving soul I'll never forget. It will take time to heal- For the silence to go away. I still listen for you, And miss you every day. You were such a great companion, Constant, loyal and true. My heart will always wear, The pawprints left by you.